Instructions for the use of EnergyUp!
Welcome and congratulations on choosing EnergyUp! We wish you good luck and good health! The following is a summary of the most important information for your satisfied, long-term use!
Designed specifically to restore balance and energy to the body, EnergyUp! can help with pain relief, reducing inflammation, healing, recovery and overall physical, mental and spiritual well-being. EnergyUp! is a wellness tool! The secret of its effectiveness: it has been developed using already proven technologies, rethought and redone with ultra-modern nanomaterials unlike any other product! Our goal was to design a device that was extremely simple, so that it would be self-explanatory and easy to use, without being influenced by any external factors (e.g. power source requirements, educational needs, environmental conditions, age, education, etc.).
3 main technologies make it powerful, effective and quick:
- Strong and stable north-polar neodymium magnets,
- Stable negative ion radiation,
- Zero point generator with tachyonizing effect.
It can be particularly powerful and effective in reducing stress, eliminating the disturbing external influences of daily life, as well as restoring harmony and restoring it permanently. Its mechanism can help relaxation, unwinding, falling asleep and deep sleep. It can help to achieve and maintain a stable stay in states of deep meditation and more conscious, inner stillness and wakefulness. By releasing and elevating spiritual and mental states, it can also help with spiritual healing and stability, as well as with the progress of users seeking to achieve consciousness and spiritual development. On the other hand, it can recharge, invigorate, relieve persistent fatigue and energise. Its balancing effect is always tuned to the body's needs at the time.
The concept and principle of EnergyUP! is completely new, and so is its use, which is fundamentally different from any other tool or device on the market. It has been designed with simplicity, long life and trouble-free use in extreme conditions in mind. All this without electronics, batteries, accumulators or any exposure to them. It is made to help in everyday life, during sports, in the most modern, protected hospitals or a technologically advanced environment, in a crisis situation, a simple, natural environment or even in the third world.
It is extremely simple to use and anyone can learn it in no time. It can be used anywhere, anytime, without time or space restrictions. There are no known side effects. Simply place the smooth, unmarked side of the device on a selected, painful, problem area of the body. The unlabelled side of the device is the active side, it’s only effective there!
Attention! People with a pacemaker should not use it because of the magnets!
Attention! People sensitive to magnetic fields or with high blood pressure should use it with caution!
Initially, use it for 2-5 minutes twice daily, then slowly increase the duration to 2x5-10 minutes daily! In case of high blood pressure and blood sugar problems, regular medical check-ups and follow-ups are necessary!
The easiest and most effective way to use it is through the Plexus Solaris chakra. Place the device on the body above the navel for 2-10 minutes, placing your finger in the navel. For simplicity, you can also place it above the navel, where it has an equally intense effect. It can be used without time restrictions, but the regular use- 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes- is enough to raise the energy tone of the body, mind and soul, refresh, energize, trigger self-healing processes and relieve pain. It is especially recommended for chronic fatigue and health problems. Its effectiveness can be increased by using it on each of the seven chakras separately for 3-5 minutes, working from the bottom up.
In general, a treatment time of 3-5 minutes is sufficient to achieve the desired effects! If it feels good, since there are no side effects, it can be used for as long as it is needed, or even continuously if necessary. The continuous use on the Plexus Solaris Chakra can result in a long-lasting, consistently higher energy level, enhancing stability and constantly providing the body with its own self-correcting and self-healing ability. Experience shows that it can speed up and stabilise healing and recovery processes by up to four times. It can slow or even halt the progress of some chronic diseases. In a healthy person, continued use can keep energy levels high and make the person alert and fresh in a harmonious way.
In addition, local application in any acute case can help to relieve pain and inflammation. Observations, experience and ancient Indian writings (Vedas, Ayurveda, Yunani) also make it clear that in practice, the correct functioning of a single central Plexus Solaris chakra, located 2 fingers above the navel, is in itself sufficient to restore healthy body functions. A product designed and manufactured based on this knowledge can therefore help and stimulate the body's self-regulating, restorative energetic processes by adjusting the correct functioning of the Plexus Solaris (Solaris Chakra). The approach of the traditional Chinese medicine is similar: the device has an intensive, rapid effect when placed on meridian, acupressure and acupuncture points. In the West, this is best described as unblocking energy flows. In other words, it can trigger self-corrective, self-healing processes by stimulating the flow of particles in the body, organs, tissues, cells and intercellular tissue.
Extensive experience has shown the extraordinary and rapid effect of the product in medical environment by placing it directly over problematic, damaged, diseased areas and on meridian points. Thus, especially in acute situations, it may be the quickest and most effective way to relieve pain and reduce inflammation when used on the specific points. It can help also to overcome fatigue and exhaustion more quickly.
It is also worth keeping with you during the day. Experience shows that keeping it close to the body is enough to strengthen, cleanse and harmonise the aura. Aura seers can confirm the visibility of the aura increasing and its light intensifing in 2-3 seconds. Thus, simply by putting it in a pocket, for example, it provides general protection and has a strengthening, energizing, protective effect, even if it is worn continuously. It protects against various negative influences and radiations (e.g. electro-smog, earth radiation, negative energies). Keeping the product close to you while sleeping, even in bed, can help you to sleep peacefully, harmonizing the space and keeping the aura stable. Placed upside down under the bed, it also neutralizes and protects you from ground radiation.
It is also suitable for harmonizing, replenishing and tachyonizing food, drinks and even cosmetic products. Simply place them on the product for 10-15 minutes.
General experience
After some five years of design and experimentation, results prove the effectiveness and real function of the product in several areas. Regular use can be effective in the treatment of mood and sleep disorders, relief of prolonged pain and inflammation, menstrual complaints, stomach problems, headaches, fatigue and tiredness.
Experience shows that 85% of the users feel and can describe subtle sensations in their bodies, when the device in use harmonises the energy system by causing pleasant (tingling, lukewarm, warming, flowing) sensations. Occasionally, if the chakra or meridian is gravely under functioning or blocked, it may cause a slight sensation of pressure, which will soon disappear as the chakra or meridian starts to function. Often a warming sensation is reported, in which case the direction or the speed of the rotation of the chakra can be adjusted by the device and when the sensation disappears, it indicates that it has been successful. If a person is healthy and the chakra system is balanced during regular use, the sensations are usually reported as pleasant, soft and gentle, and a general energising effect is experienced.
The healthy functioning and balance of the chakras and meridians provided this product can help to restore and maintain health through a wide range of physiological effects. It can create a general sense of well-being, providing a pleasantly energised, alert, stable and lasting harmonious state. It can also help in recovery and in overcoming acute and chronic illnesses. Experimental results have shown the beneficial effects of the device in cases of headaches, insomnia and sleep disorders, joint problems and polyarthritis. It can help and alleviate symptoms of stomach and intestinal disorders, reflux and irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue. Measurements show that just 5 minutes of use can increase serotonin (the happy hormone) levels by up to 20-25%, reduce or balance blood sugar levels by up to 5-8 units and reduce blood pressure by up to 30-50 mmHg, bringing it back to the normal range. It can improve vitality, balance mental weaknesses, depression, panic attacks, stress, and improve sexual desire and potential. The secret to its success in chronic cases is the regular use.
Experience shows that regular use of the tool 1-3 times a day can release psychological and mental blocks, traumas, make users more open, contribute to psychological and mental harmony and make the user more stable, peaceful and relaxed.
Illness/symptom |
Number of daily treatments |
Place of the treatment |
Spinal pain |
1, 3-4 |
Locally, on the problematic area |
Joint pain, inflammation |
1, 3-4 |
Locally 3-7 min, Plexus Solaris |
Sinusitis |
2-3 |
Locally |
Middle ear inflammation, ear issues |
2-3 |
Locally onto the ear and under the ear |
Eye problems |
2-3 |
Locally, with circular movements in front of the eyes |
Headache, migraine |
1-2 |
Locally – at the source of the pain or forehead, temples, top of the head or the occipital foramen |
Throat ache and inflammation |
2-3 |
Locally |
Menstrual disorders, PMS, |
1, or 2-3 |
Womb, vagina, ovaries, Desire chakra, Plexus Solaris chakra |
Fever and higher temperature |
1 |
Locally, top of the head, Crown chakra |
Stomach problems, reflux, |
1, 2-3, after meals |
Locally, Plexus Solaris chakra |
Bloating, indigestion |
1, after meals |
Liver, bile, Plexus Solaris chakra |
Haemorrhoids, prostate issues |
2-3 |
Root and desire chakra, locally, sitting on it |
Stretching, muscle aches |
1-2 |
Locally, moving it and caressing the affected area with it |
Surface injuries and bruises |
2-3 |
Locally, moving it above the affected area |
Wounds and injuries |
3-4 |
Locally |
Tendonitis |
2-3 |
Locally, moving it on the affected area |
Neurological problems |
2-3 |
Plexus Solaris chakra, occipital foramen |
Stress, nervousness |
1, 3-4, |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
Tension, anxiety, fear |
2-3 |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
Stomach ulcers, intestinal inflammation |
2-3 |
Plexus Solaris chakra, and locally |
Panic disorder, depression |
3-4 |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
Emotional disturbances, lethargy |
2-3 |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
Chronic tiredness |
2-3 |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
Exhaustion, fatigue |
1, 2-3 |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
Diabetes |
3-4 |
Plexus Solaris chakra, placed above the pancreas |
Immune system problems |
3 |
Plexus Solaris chakra, as well as the chakra under the navel (Desire chakra) and the sternal area |
Toothache and other oral cavity issues |
1, 2-3 |
Locally, with circular movement above the affected area |
Circulation, X-syndrome |
1, 2-3 |
Heart chakra, locally moving and caressing above the affected area |
Recovery or strengthening treatment |
2-3 |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
Enhancing the general well-being |
2-3 |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
Earth radiation, electro smog |
2-5 |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
Sleep or falling asleep disturbances |
1-2 |
Plexus Solaris chakra |
* Acutely, if the problem persists, even a 2-5-minute self-treatment may be enough!
** A wide range of experience has been accumulated over the last few years for various diseases and complaints, which can be found on the manufacturer's website.
The effectiveness of the product, its strength and speed of action may vary from person to person and will always depend on the use, the individual and other personal characteristics and factors of its user!
The use of the product is NOT a substitute for medical control and care!
Attention! People with pacemakers (pacemakers) should not use this product because of the magnets!
Attention! People sensitive to magnetic fields and people with high blood pressure should use it with caution! At first, use for 2-3 minutes twice a day, then slowly increase the duration to 2x5-10 minutes a day! In case of high blood pressure and blood sugar problems, regular medical check-ups and follow-ups are necessary!
The product is 3D printed on the outside. It is fragile! It is made of recycled PetG (food grade plastic).
It is made of environmentally friendly, compostable, biodegradable materials for environmental awareness and sustainability.
Contains no harmful substances! Does not contain toxic substances.
It contains small parts inside the device, so if it is is damaged or broken, do not leave it in the hands of children!
If the device falls, it may break or be damaged. Do not use a broken or damaged device! Do not open it as this will destroy it! Use only as intended to achieve the desired effect.